Child sexual abuse
 “Child sexual abuse,”is when an adult has sexual contact with a child. This contact may involve touching or non-touching of the child’s body. Non-touching may include fooling the child into giving his consent to try ‘something new’ with the condition that he will be rewarded for it.” This may include things like indecent exposure, and/or exposing the child to pornographic material.

Other than the child coming right out and verbally reporting abuse, recognizing physical child abuse can be done by keeping an eye out for different physical and behavioral warning indicators. These could be unexplained wounds or bruises on the child’s body, low self-esteem, depression, aggressiveness, difficulty in walking or sitting, behavioral extremes, taking frequent baths, and sleep disorders. If a parent regularly leaves the child with a caregiver or someone outside the immediate family such as a servant, the parent must take all the precautions necessary (checking up on the caregiver before enlisting their services, getting references, etc.) to ensure the credibility and dependability of this person. It is also important to look for certain behavioral traits in the caregiver that raise a red flag for the parent such as harshness in their behavior, constantly describing the child in a negative way, always being on the defensive, playing down or hiding the child’s injuries, etc.